It all started with an idea. . . .

the day social brunettes began

It was back in October 2020, amidst a global pandemic that Jen had the idea to create a community for women, that would connect people, engage with them and ultimately provide a social forum for those missing the company of other women.

Having been through lockdowns and varying degrees of restrictions, 2020 saw many people feeling isolated and separated from friends and family, and so Jen pitched the idea of an online weekly chat show to Tash, and they were off and running!

They arrived at the name Social Brunettes and then the online presence began building.  Over the course of 6 weeks, they worked hard at creating a social networking page, a private group, an Instagram community, a website, engaged a launch sponsor and lined up a whole host of filming locations, special guests, products to review and hot topics to discuss!  Their shows offer the chance to showcase the wares of local and independent makers, bakers and all sorts of wonderful small businesses, as well as encouraging conversations within a safe space and providing engaging and entertaining content.

Social Brunettes is now establishing itself as a go-to weekly resource for the modern woman and continues to connect people across the UK (and even has a few international members and celebrity followers too!).

The launch of the first show was a huge success and you can view this, along with al of their subsequent episodes over on the page here.

(This image was taken the day it all began, at Pennyhill Park in Surrey, over coffee, and is a moment that sparked a wonderful new chapter for these two businesswomen.)

Join the growing community of women over on their group today!

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